Our products.

Our products (clothes and shoes), carefully selected by experienced personnel, can be shipped and delivered anywhere in the world and can meet any customer's needs including packing, grading, and any other type ready to meet the demand of diverserichieste market for our customers.

    List Africa

    Code ARTICLES I ° - II ° Quality
    BATH Bathrobe
    CHRM2/8 Baby Light 2-8
    CHRM8/12 Baby Light 8-12
    CHRM0/2 Baby Rompers 0-2
    CHW Baby Heavy
    SK Socks
    COLLANT Tights
    TOWEL Towel
    BSH Coat Boy
    MSSS Coat Man M/C
    MSSL Shirts by Night
    NIGHT Men's Shirts M/L
    LCB Women's cotton blouses
    LSB Women's silk blouses
    LTED.B Blouses Trend
    HEND Handkerchiefs
    CAPS Cotton Hats
    TIE Ties
    MBS Swimwear
    JLS Donna Summer Jackets
    JMS Jackets Mens Summer
    MZIPL Jackets Adult Summer
    LCS Coton Skirts
    LSS Silk Skirts
    LDS Skirts Diolen
    SG TEND Skirts Girls Tend
    DRAP Bed Linen
    UNDER Mixed Cotton Underwear
    NR Nylon Underwear
    MINIS Miniskirt
    TREDY S Mix Donna Summer Trend
    NYLON Nylon
    FUSEAUX Fuseaux
    PINO Capris
    CHP Pants Baby
    SHO Short
    LLP Donna Summer Pants
    LTRNDYP Women Pants Trend
    BPT Boy Pants
    MCP Cotton Men's Pants
    MJP Men Jeans Pants
    MTP Men's Pants Terga
    Msuit Men's clothing
    CPO Polo and T-Shirts Mr. Conserva Adult
    CPOBOY Polo and T-Shirts Boy
    PTRANDY Polo Women Trend
    FOOT Football Jerseys
    BRA Bras
    TRANSIT Suits Sport
    HHR Light upholstery
    SW Sweatshirts
    TRANSITB Suits Baby
    CARP Rugs
    TAILLEUR Woman in summer suit
    LC Curtains
    WORK Overalls Work
    LCD Veste Coton
    LDD Veste diolen
    LSD Silk Robe
    GDT Tend Girl Dress
    FOULARD Foulard
    MIX Mixed Summer Shoes (8 men, 2 sports, rest 10 baby sandals woman)
    BEL Belts
    BAG Bags
    TOYS Toys

    List Asia and Europa dell'Est

    Code ARTICLES I° Quality
    CREMA MIX It contains all best quality clothing summer and winter: Man, Woman, Child.
    CREMA SUMMER It contains all best quality summer clothing: Man, Woman, Child.
    CREMA WINTER It contains all best quality winter clothing: Man, Woman, Child.
    CREMA INTIMO (Underwear) It contains all undergarments best quality: Man, Woman, Child and accessories such as scarves etc
    CREMA HHR It contains all the best quality house hold rummage: Towels, Tablecloths, Bed Linen Etc
    FIRST SUMMER It contains all first quality clothing summer: Man, Woman.
    FIRST WINTER It contains all top quality winter clothing: Man, Woman.
    FIRST TREND SUMMER It contains all youth-quality clothing trend summer: Woman.
    FIRST TREND WINTER It contains all clothing trendy youth-quality winter: Woman.
    FIRST BABY SUMMER It contains all top quality summer clothing: Boy, Girl.
    FIRST BABY WINTER It contains all top quality winter clothing: Boy, Girl.
    FIRST PAIL It contains all sweaters in pail top quality winter: Man, Woman.
    CREAM SHOES It contains all the shoes of better quality summer and winter: Man, Woman, Child.
    CREAM BAGS It contains all the best quality bags: Man, Woman, Child.
    FIRST SNOW SUIT (Tute da Neve) It contains all the jackets and suits for snow: Man, Woman, Child.
    CREAM SNOW BOOTS It contains all the best quality snow boots: Man, Woman, Child.
    FIRST HHR It contains all the first quality house hold rummage: Towels, Tablecloths, Bed Linen Etc.
    NATURAL FUR Natural fur coats - first quality.
    SYNTHETIC FUR Synthetic fur coats - first quality.

    To list India

    CUT/UNCUT Uni Acrylic Sweaters
    CUT/UNCUT Fancy Acrylic Sweaters
    CUT/UNCUT Original Acrylic Sweaters
    CUT/UNCUT White Acrylic
    CUT/UNCUT Original Wool Sweaters
    CUT/UNCUT Uni Wool Body
    CUT/UNCUT Fancy wool Body
    CUT/UNCUT Original Wool Body
    CUT/UNCUT Denim
    CUT/UNCUT Mix Clothes with Fancy Sweaters
    CUT/UNCUT Colored Textile
    CUT/UNCUT White Textile
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They range from high-grade products until you get to those third choice.


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+39 0823.69.62.28

+39 0823.51.16.35

Establishment Head Office Errymondo srl

Zona Industriale Asi Sud

81025 Marcianise (CE) - Italy