SecondHand Clothing and Shoes
The company was founded after the war, thanks to the skill and enterprise of the founder, Enrico Mondola. Over the years , thanks to the growing importance of the used clothing market in Ercolano , in time became one of the most important and famous of Europe , the success of the company grows and changes . Michele fact follows the footsteps of his father Enrico and, with the ' help of his family thanks to the contribution of knowledge and the new generation , the company will take in the 70 ' , with the name of Valmondo , a new dimension , establishing itself on the national and international markets . Michele now administrator was able to transmit in turn to his sons , Enric Marco Pio and the passion and dedication to an activity that is both a philosophy of life . The three brothers founded in 1993 , in Volla , the Errymondo . continuing the family experience . Enrico applies his experience in dealing with foreign sales , Marco , is in charge of accounting and banking relationships and Asia market , Pio is dedicated to the domestic and European markets . The company has grown over time , accepting and ridimensionandosi according to the new challenges posed by the market . In 2004 the company moved to the industrial area ASI of Pascarola , in the province of Naples to pass today in the modern headquarters Marcianise , in the province of Caserta , one of the most industrialized areas of the region. Errymondo has been able to do the recycling and reuse a conscientious choice and success. It is now one of the leading companies engaged in import / export of used clothing in Europe. The company with a highly qualified staff reuse, recycle used clothes and puts on the market making a significant contribution to the environment by reducing pollution.